Gao Feng Introduction of New Capabilities in Wealth Management

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Family Office practice at Gao Feng Advisory Company.
As the number of high net-worth individuals in Asia-Pacific quickly grew over the past few decades, the need for an efficient way to pass on family wealth in a more resilient manner has been increasing, resulting in a dramatic increase in the number of Asian family offices.
Gao Feng Advisory's new Family Office practice will be led by Dillon Hale who has over 24 years of experience working in and consulting to the Family Office profession. Our Family Office service offering will include strategic family office overviews, family office establishment, NextGen coaching and education, and bespoke family office consulting. Attached you will find a deck that describes our service offerings in more detail including Dillon’s profile of background and experience.

Please let us know how we could help Dillon’s email address is
Our general enquiry email address is
We welcome your comments and feedback on this announcement or in general about our firm. You can send your feedback directly to Dr. Tse at

Gao Feng Advisory
Gao Feng Advisory Company is a professional strategy and management consulting firm with roots in China coupled with global vision, capabilities, and a broad resources network
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